BHS poetry Club

Student Profiles: Jimmy

Hey, I'm Jimmy Ruska. I made this page.

Name: Jimbobwilly Birth Date: 1985 Class: 2004 State: TX

School: Birdville
Hopeful Future Job: Janitor.
Future Majors/Minors: Manual labor.
Estimated GPA: .001
Planned College: Any in Texas.
Longterm Goals: Live in a van down by the river.
Short-term Goals: Get some sleep.
In School Electives: Soccer, Cisco, and poetry club. We also play chess everyday at lunch, if that counts any.
Outside of School Electives: Getting injured for soccer.
Any Community Service?: Nope, not 1 second registered.
Favorite Poems, Books, movies, etc: Jackie Chan in Drunken Master Part 1.

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